Electric vehicles, especially EV 3-wheelers, are revolutionizing urban transportation with their eco-friendly and cost-effective benefits. However, these advanced vehicles bring their own set of challenges. Drivers often face connectivity issues, making real-time tracking difficult. Effective battery management is another major concern, impacting vehicle performance and longevity. Additionally, diagnosing vehicle issues without the right tools can lead to significant downtime and increased maintenance costs.

This is where iTriangle makes a difference. iTriangle’s optimized telematics devices are specifically designed to tackle these challenges and enhance the EV 3-wheeler experience. The TS101 Plus 4G EV and TS101 Basic EV CAN devices ensure reliable connectivity with their 4G capabilities, providing seamless real-time tracking and vehicle management. These devices, proudly designed, developed, and manufactured in India, also offer advanced remote battery management, reducing the risk of unexpected breakdowns and improving overall performance.

Furthermore, iTriangle’s telematics devices come equipped with diagnostic capabilities through CAN, enabling quick and accurate issue detection. With features like IP65 rating for durability, RS232/RS485 interfaces, Bluetooth 5.0, accelerometer and gyroscope, and OTA/FOTA capabilities, these devices ensure top-notch quality and reliability. Compliant with AIS 140 standards and affordably priced, iTriangle’s devices are the perfect solution for optimizing your EV 3-wheeler experience.


Connectivity Issues: EV 3-wheeler drivers frequently encounter connectivity problems that impede real-time tracking and vehicle management. Reliable connectivity is vital for maintaining smooth operation and effective monitoring.

Battery Management: Efficient battery management is crucial for the optimal performance and longevity of EV 3-wheelers. Inadequate battery management can result in frequent breakdowns and diminished efficiency, adversely affecting the vehicle’s reliability and overall performance.

Diagnostic Challenges: Diagnosing problems in EV 3-wheelers can be a complicated and time-consuming process without the right tools and technology. This complexity leads to increased downtime and higher maintenance costs, making it difficult to keep the vehicles operational and efficient.

These challenges highlight the need for advanced solutions to enhance the functionality and reliability of EV 3-wheelers. Addressing these issues is essential for maximizing the benefits of these eco-friendly and cost-effective vehicles in urban transportation.

Introducing iTriangle's Optimized Telematics Devices

iTriangle provides a comprehensive solution to the challenges faced by EV 3-wheelers with its advanced telematics devices, specifically designed for these vehicles. These devices effectively address key issues such as connectivity, battery management, and diagnostics. By ensuring reliable real-time tracking, efficient battery monitoring, and quick, accurate diagnostics, iTriangle’s telematics devices enhance the performance and reliability of EV 3-wheelers. Let’s explore how iTriangle’s innovative solutions are transforming the EV driving experience.


Reliable Connectivity: iTriangle’s TS101 Plus 4G EV and TS101 Basic EV CAN devices ensure robust and reliable connectivity. Equipped with 4G capabilities, these devices provide seamless real-time tracking and management, allowing drivers to stay connected and informed at all times.

Designed, Developed, and Manufactured in India: Both devices are proudly designed, developed, and manufactured entirely in India, ensuring top-notch quality and reliability.


Remote Battery Management: With advanced remote battery management capabilities, iTriangle’s devices help drivers monitor and manage their vehicle’s battery efficiently. This feature reduces the risk of unexpected breakdowns and enhances the overall performance of the EV 3-wheelers.

Diagnostic Capabilities through CAN: The diagnostic capabilities through CAN (Controller Area Network) allow for quick and accurate diagnosis of any issues. This reduces downtime and maintenance costs, ensuring the vehicle is back on the road swiftly.


IP65 Rating: Both devices come with an IP65 rating, making them dust-tight and water-resistant. This ensures durability and reliable performance in various environmental conditions.

RS232 / RS485 and Bluetooth 5.0: The inclusion of RS232 / RS485 interfaces and Bluetooth 5.0 technology ensures versatile connectivity options, enhancing the overall functionality of the devices.

Accelerometer & Gyroscope: These features provide precise movement and orientation data, further enhancing the performance and safety of the EV 3-wheelers.

OTA/FOTA: Over-the-Air (OTA) and Firmware Over-the-Air (FOTA) capabilities enable seamless updates, ensuring that the devices are always up-to-date with the latest features and improvements.


AIS 140 Compliance: iTriangle’s devices comply with AIS 140 standards, ensuring adherence to the latest regulations and standards in the automotive industry.

Affordable Pricing: Despite the advanced features and high-quality manufacturing, iTriangle’s devices are available at affordable prices, making them accessible to a wide range of users.


iTriangle’s optimized telematics devices, the TS101 Plus 4G EV and TS101 Basic EV CAN, are the perfect solution for overcoming the challenges faced by EV 3-wheeler drivers. With superior connectivity, advanced battery management, comprehensive diagnostics, and a host of other cutting-edge features, these devices ensure a smooth, efficient, and cost-effective EV driving experience.

Upgrade to iTriangle today and join the revolution in enhancing your EV 3-wheeler’s performance. For more information and to make the switch, visit our website at www.itriangle in or contact us directly at or +91-9513102921 / +91-9739221001. Embrace the future of electric vehicle technology with iTriangle!

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